Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Short film .. A tweet with a story , a poem , a portrait !

My interest in Short films is recent. I like the concept more in the background of digital revolution as we have moved from reading to watching movies to reading blogs to microblogs like Twitter. Being a fan of old Twitter (140 characters) , being precise and brief is what attracts me. The content and story telling / screenplay plays a major role in such films.
I was trying to understand why Short films are more attractive ( and good ones really difficult to make ) than long films.
Here are some of the quotes that I liked about short films ..

Short film: you can be poetic and you don't have to answer anything. You can make whatever you want. You have creative freedom with short film.

But short films are not inferior, just different. I think the short gives a freedom to film-makers. What's appealing is that you don't have as much responsibility for storytelling and plot. They can be more like a portrait, or a poem.

I think that short films often contain an originality, a creative freedom, an energy and an invention that is inspiring and entertaining. I made shorts films, learning the dos and don'ts. Short films are good, especially since independent films are making waves now, more than before.

Length of a Short Film: ‘A short film can be anything from thirty seconds to thirty minutes in length –and this means they can do and be a great many different things. However, ifyou want to get your short into a festival, then keep it to no more than tenminutes. Remember: you can tell a great story in as little as 30 seconds. Andchances are, the longer the short, the more expensive it will be to produce