Thursday, August 29, 2019

Ken Burns : The West , The Civil War

Documentary making is one of the best forms of artistic expression and Ken Burns is one of the best in this practice ! Period !
In 2002 , I had bought my first DVD on @Amazon . It was Ken Burn's  "The West"
Had watched the series on PBS  in US and had decided to "invest" my money !!
This series of PBS is still one of my favorites ..
Every word , every sentence in the script , every note in the background music and every pause and silence takes the story ahead.. sprinkled with philosophy on facts and history, it is not just entertaining but enlightening !
I like these films and miniseries more because of my liking for the American West and Wild West along with History.  But besides that bias, they are one of the finest of documentaries otherwise.
The Series "The CivilWar" and "The West" are some of the finest creations and are a must watch for connoisseurs of History , art , film making , philosophy or literature.
The Civil War : Captures the times and history of the young nation called United State , between 1860 until 1867 , when it started maturing as a country from the early start as a collection of federal states.
The West is a story of Wild West, starting from the early Gold Rush to the settling of the modern cities of West from Kansas to California , from Texas to Oregon !

My strong recommendation to anyone who is interested in any of the faculties of film making , documentary making , history , philosophy , literature , English language , music , background scores of just human life and psychology.