Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Jamaica Farewell - नको वळून बघू - माझे राणी

 Some songs are like a "Khyaal" of classical music .. they have a capacity to bring out huge novels and stories through their words and tunes. They make us visualize a story instantly... a story that runs like a movie in front of ones eyes !

This blog is about three such songs, one in English and one in Marathi .. and a related song in Konkani.. I am  searching for songs in other languages with similar themes. 

Jamaica Farewell in English and "नको वळून बघू माघारी"  in Marathi have a kind of similar theme described from two sides, one on land and one on sea !! I had blogged about these two songs and their relationship earlier in 2018, that could be found here. (Jamaica Farewell - नको वळून बघू )

These two songs from two different languages depict a theme / story / " ख्याल" with a theme of missing a loved one at the shore while on sea. To me, a picture of Goa comes to mind instantly as the lover misses his "girl" as he is away on the sea and would not be back for many days. The Marathi song on the other hand describes the thoughts of the "little girl" left behind on shore by her lover ! 

That "Kingston" from Jamaica Farewell is definitely close to "राजापूर" of Konkan - Goa ! 

I want to add a third song to this theme, a song in Konkani - Marathi " माझे राणी " that is more positive where the lover arrives back searching for her "beloved"  queen after a long .. They finally meet and the circle is complete !

"माझे राणी माझे मोगा " 

माजे रानी, माजे मोगा
तुजे दोळ्यांत सोधता ठाव !
माजे राजा, माजे मोगा
तुजे नावाक जोडता नाव
फुलाफुलांक पुशीत आयलो
तुजे माजे प्रीतिचो गाव

काळ्याकाळ्या दोळ्यांन्‌ तुज्या
माज्या वाटा वाटा मेळतात माका
तुज्या छातीर ठेवता माथा
फुलाभाशेन भाशेन हलकी दुखा
तुजे पायान रुपता काटा
माजे काळजाक लागता घाव !
फुलाफुलांक पुशीत आयलो
तुजे माजे प्रीतिचो गाव

तुजे दोळ्यांत सोधता ठाव !
माजे राजा, माजे मोगा
तुजे नावाक जोडता नाव
गोर्‍या गोर्‍या रंगांन तुज्या
गोर्‍या गोर्‍या रंगांन तुज्या
माज्या दोळ्यांक दोळ्यांक चांदन्या राती
तुज्या ओठांर सपना माजी
माजे गाणे गाणे होऊन येती
तुजे भितुर माजे मना
दर्यावेल्या किरणांचो भाव
फुलाफुलांक पुशीत आयलो
तुजे माजे प्रीतिचो गाव

माजे रानी, माजे मोगा
तुजे दोळ्यांत सोधता ठाव !
माजे राजा, माजे मोगा
तुजे नावाक जोडता नाव
फुलाफुलांक पुशीत आयलो
तुजे माजे प्रीतिचो गाव  

 माजे रानी, माजे मोगा
तुजे दोळ्यांत सोधता ठाव !

गीत : शांता शेळके
संगीत : हृदयनाथ
स्वर : लता , सुरेश वाडकर

Original song from Film Mahananda 

One more version in Konkani 


 नको वळून बघू माघारी

नको वळुन बघू माघारी
जा रे खुशाल दर्यावरी

तुझ्या नि माझ्या प्रीतिची रे संगती
घेऊन शिदोरी आठवणींची

तुझी लाडकी उनाड होडी
बघुन समिंदर होइल वेडी
आणि तयाला कवळायाला सारखी घेइल उडी
त्या क्षणी याद तुला येऊन माझी जाशिल कळवळुनी

नाही सोबती तुझ्या संगती
एकटाच तू दर्यावरती
बघुन तुला रे येतिल वरती रत्‍नं सुंदर किती
त्यामधे नाही तुझी राणी, पाहुनी होशिल खिन्‍न मनी

कशी खुळी ती आभाळातुनी
नक्षत्रं ही तुला हेरूनी
डोळे मोडुनि नाचुनी चमकुनी
येतिल खाली जरी रे
आठवेल रे झोपडीतली मिणमिणती चांदणी 

गीत : मो. ग. रांगणेकर
संगीत : केशवराव भोळे
स्वर : ज्योत्स्ना भोळे

Jamaica Fairwell
by Harry Belafonte

Down the way where the nights are gay
And the sun shines daily on the mountain top
I took a trip on a sailing ship
And when I reached Jamaica I made a stop

But I'm sad to say I'm on my way
Won't be back for many a day
My heart is down, my head is turning around
I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town

Down the market you can hear
Ladies cry out while on their heads they bear
'Akey' rice, salt fish are nice
And the rum is fine any time of year

But I'm sad to say I'm on my way
Won't be back for many a day
My heart is down, my head is turning around
I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town

Sounds of laughter everywhere
And the dancing girls sway to and fro
I must declare my heart is there
Though I've been from Maine to Mexico

But I'm sad to say I'm on my way
Won't be back for many a day
My heart is down, my head is turning around
I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town

Here is a link to my playlist of  "Jamaica Farewell" in different versions performed by various artists ..

I have been listening to these songs since quite long. They are from old times ... 1950s-60s or so... but seem so fresh all the time ! Truly Classics !

Jamaica Farewell